Well back a while ago at work we decided to buy a new computer. So we went to Best Buy and picked us up one. It isn't the most awesome computer, but it is good enough for work. So we hooked it up and all that and every thing was good. About 5 days later it gives me a pop up telling me that the Microsoft Office Suite that we have has expired. Now maybe it is just me but when i buy a computer i would imagine it would have all the basic things pre installed. For instance Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Well it did but only a very short trial version. The box for the computer even said it came with it but little did we know it only meant a trial version. So then we had to decide, go buy office or get for free. After some time of looking i came across Open Office ( http://download.openoffice.org/index.html ). The most awesome part about Open office is not only is it free but it has all the same things as Microsoft office but it is also free. Also just like FireFox open office also has a decent extension library for all those people who want a little bit more. So if i was you i wouldn't hesitate a second id run on over to http://openoffice.org/ and download your self a free copy. I highly doubt you will be let down after all with that $100 you just saved you could upgrade your computer.