Well almost every single person out there has used photo shop. It even comes on new computers if you don't m
ind just using a trial version. As most of you already know Photo shop is a very nice program for anyone who takes pictures, has website, sends pics, makes icons, and the list just seems to go on. It can do virtually any thing all the way from changing the background to even putting someone elses head on someone elses body. One of the major downfalls of photo shop is the price. Take a look at http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/index.html $649 is a big chunk of change if you ask me, even the lower down versions still cost like above $50. Needless to say no matter what you do if you want photo shop it will cost you a pretty penny or two. Now tha
t we have discussed that lets move onto the alternative to Photo shop, it is called GIMP. To put it the most simple way that i can GIMP is like photo shop. It does almost every thing that photo shop at a fraction of the cost. It is very easy to use and one of the major things that i like the most about gimp is how easy it is to decrease the file size of a picture. See if you are like most people who have digital cameras and take lots of photos then the chances are you will also be putting them on your computer and be sending them off to friends and family. Well gimp can help you there. If you would like to go ahead and give gimp a try then i have more good news for you. The good news is that it only costs $0 yes that is right gimp is 100% free. So if i was you id stop waiting and rush on over to http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ and get yourself a free copy.