Alright so i have decided that on Thursdays that I will do at least one post. The at least one post will have to do with ways to make money for free or for very little money. So here is the first way, Moola. In case you have not heard of Moola i will explain the basic concept to you. Moola is a website where you can play games for free and make some money. Here is the cool part. They give you a penny. So, with that penny you play one of the games, if you win you will then have two pennies. Now you have a choice you can either go all out and bet your two pennies on a game and then have a total of 4 pennies or you can bet one again. But, don't be nervous if you lose it all they will give you one penny again. You will always get at least one penny to bet. There is also a Moola Booster thing where you do offers and get more money, or you can do the search and spin thing. What that is is this search box where you type what you want to search. Sometimes you will get the Wheel which you spin and can win up to $1000 or as little as a penny. Moola is free to join and free to cash out. The catch is you must be invited. If you want a invite you can go to the site and go into the forums and request a invite or you can just email me directly at demonkilleresmi@gmail.com once again remember this site is free so you have nothing to lose at all.

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